Have you thought about abo+?

A good companion for the start of school

Summer is just around the corner, so it's best to get organised and be ready for September. From 1 May 2024 you can order or renew your Südtirol Pass abo+ for the new school year 2024/2025.

All of it online at the click of a mouse:

  1. Go here and click on “Apply”;
  2. Click on the Südtirol Pass abo+;
  3. Choose between Renew or Apply.

The annual fee of 20 EUR for pupils and 150 EUR for students can be paid online by credit card, direct debit from a bank or home banking. The fee can also be paid directly at the südtirolmobil Infopoints and at authorised points of sale.

abo+ for university students

The Südtirol Pass abo+ for university students can be applied for or renewed at any time during the year. It is valid for one year plus 14 days after payment of the annual fee.

For more information, visit the Südtirol Pass abo+ section on our website.




STA/Manuela Tessaro

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