Looking to avoid the crowds? Get a head start and pick a connection that is less busy: Simply check our online journey planner to find out the passenger density on your public transport journey. Estimated occupancy rates are now displayed for all regional trains – and soon for bus connections, too.
Even in 2020, when mobility was greatly reduced due to the pandemic, the online journey planner and live timetable search available in the südtirolmobil app and on the website registered up to 25,000 searches per day. We’ve now added a new feature to track whether passenger density on a selected train connection is expected to be low, moderate or high: An icon displaying one, two or three people, respectively, will show the estimated occupancy rate on each journey. Low passenger density means that more than half of the seats are unoccupied. Moderate occupancy levels indicate that there are only a few seats left. High passenger density levels suggest that all seats are likely taken and that there might only be standing room left.
The estimates are calculated using artificial intelligence and machine-learning, which computes a forecast based on ticket check-in data collected in the past combined with data derived from the online timetable queries of the preceding days. Each forecast is calculated per individual journey and stop, meaning that it also takes into account passenger fluctuations during the journey based on popular stops, for instance.
The new feature will soon be applied to bus connections, too, allowing passengers to find out well in advance how busy their individual journey using urban and regional buses is expected to be.